Vol. 22, No. 1/2 (2010)

Architecture, Energy and Climate

Vol. 22, No. 1/2 (2010): Architecture, Energy and Climate

Table of Contents

Vol. 22, No. 1/2 (2010): Architecture, Energy and Climate, Theme: Architecture, Energy and Climate

Architecture, Energy and Climate PDF
Michael Lauring
Housing, mobility and urban sustainability - examples and best practices from contemporary cities PDF
Petter Næss, Victor Andrade
Building for climate change - meeting the design challenges of the 21st century PDF
Mathias Haase, Ingrid Andresen, Berit Time, Anne Grete Hestnes
Towards a new paradigm: Design strategies for architecture, energy and climate change using Danish office buildings as a case study PDF
Rob Marsh, Vibeke Grupe Larsen, Jake Hacker
From ecological houses to sustainable cities. Architectural minds PDF
Michael Lauring
How can we adapt education programmes to the architecture in the future? PDF
Mary-Ann Knudstrup
Three types of environmental effort - behavioural changes, technical development, architectural design PDF
Claus Bech-Danielsen
Integrating urban design, land use and transport policies to contribute towards sustainable development. The bus rapid transit system (BRT) in three developing-country metropolises: Curitiba, Beijing and Johannesburg PDF
Victor Andrade
Reusing the past: Popular architecture in Golsfjellet summer mountain farm area PDF
Inger-Lise Saglie
Accessibility and sensory experiences: designing dwellings for the visual and hearing impaired PDF
Camilla Ryhl
The wooden city of Stavanger. Self image as a basis for development PDF
Leroy Olaf Tonning
Retracing Khufu's great pyramid. The "diamond matrix" and the number 7 PDF
Ole Jørgen Bryn
Architects and the creation of images PDF
Ylva Dahlman
Hva skal vi med arkitekturforskningen? Samtale med tre praktiserende arkitekter i Trondheim om arkitekturforskning og praksis PDF
Kenneth Stoltz
Om at skabe tankevækkende viden - vidensformer mellem arkitekturens praksis og forskning. Et intervju med Kristian Kreiner PDF
Inge Mette Kirkeby
Bokanmeldelser PDF
Dag Kittang, Randi A. Narvestad, David Clapham, Einar Strumse, Eivind Kasa