Submission of article
NJAR, Generative AI Policy
The Nordic Journal of Architectural Research (NJAR) is hereby expanding its editorial guidelines to include the use of generative AI tools. NJAR has taken inspiration for its generative AI policy from a range of scientific journals related to architecture and landscape architecture linked to the following publishing houses: Taylor & Francis, Elsevier, Springer Nature, SAGE, and Emerald Publishing. For more information on the use of AI in research publications, NJAR refers to the recommendation published by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):
Authors: Manuscripts
NJAR allows authors to use generative AI tools to improve spelling, grammar, and general editing.
AI tools cannot be listed as an author or co-author of an article/essay. NJAR allows generative AI tools to be used neither for the creation and manipulation of images, figures, or artwork, nor to analyze and draw insights from original research as part of the research process.
Reviewers: Peer-Review Process
NJAR does not allow peer reviewers to use generative AI tools when reviewing manuscripts. Nor can generative AI tools be utilized for analysis or to summarize submitted articles/essays. Peer reviewers may only use generative AI tools to improve the language of their review report.
Editors: Editorial Work
NJAR does not allow the use of generative AI in editorial work or the process of editing the journal. Editors may only use generative AI tools for language improvement and general editing.
To submit an article to NJAR please take into consideration the following:
1.1 The Nordic Journal of Architectural Research (NJAR) is the journal of NAF/NAAR.
NJAR is ranked at international top level making it, to date, the only scientific journal in architectural research in the Nordic countries ranked at the prestigious level 2.
NJAR represents a pluralist approach to research and publishes original academic contributions within architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture. The journal publishes scientific articles by a double-blind scholarly peer review system. Two senior researchers review every article. All reviewers are recognised researchers. Scientific reviewers must hold a PhD. Reviewers who do not hold a PhD are only used in very exceptional cases.
The journal supports academic freedom and scientific independence. Submitted articles must not have been published or submitted for publication in another forum.
1.2 The language of publication is English (UK) and the Nordic languages Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish. It is possible to publish an article in Finnish or Icelandic, if the article is also translated into English. All articles written in Nordic languages shall have a summary in English of maximum 450 words.
Please note: Maximum four authors per article.
1.3 The reviewers will be taking the following aspects into consideration when reviewing a manuscript: Does the manuscript have an introduction which state the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background and a clear research question. Is there a sufficient description on methods and the selection process. Does the author present a theoretical framework. Are results and analysis clear and concise, and does the manuscript include a final discussion and conclusions. We also welcome various experimental forms of articles as long as the author argues well for their cause.
2 Article requirements
2.1 Submitted manuscripts are to be sent to Sten Gromark,, Petra Thorpert,, and Magnus Rönn,
2.2. Submitted manuscripts should be sent as a text file in Word, using Times New Roman font. Tables, maps, illustrations contained within articles are to be put in the text file. Submitted articles should not exceed 8 000 words exclusive abstract, references, and figures. The recommended length of contributions is 6 000–8 000 words. Deviations from this must be agreed with the editors in chief.
2.3 A short (75–100 words) biographical information, including affiliation and contact details (including postal address, telephone, and e-mail address), a photo of each author (300 dpi), and a brief account of current research should also be included.
2.4 The length of the title must include maximum 75 characters including intervals.
2.5 An abstract of maximum 200 words, a list of keywords (4–8), a title, subtitles, illustration captions, references and a list of illustrations should be included.
2.6 The number of levels of headlines being used in the article is maximum three.
2.7 References should follow APA 7th, preferably with EndNote as reference management software. See a full guide at the following link:
2.8 Notes should be included at the end of the article as endnotes. Please limit the use of notes.
2.9 Maps, illustrations, diagrams, and photos are named as Figure 1, 2, 3 etc. in the text. Tables are named Table 1, 2, 3 etc. Illustrations are submitted as separate files (300 dpi).
2.10 Appendices: If there is more than one appendix, they should be identified as A, B, C etc.
2.11 Short quotations stand in the text, using quotes "...". Longer quotes stands for itself, as a section moved slightly into the margin, written in italics and without quotation marks.
Note: Except for quotes within quotes, no single quotation marks may be used in the manuscript.
3 Author rights and responsibilities
3.1 The maximum number of authors per article is four (4).
3.2 Articles accepted for publication must finally be proofread by the author(s).
3.3 For theme issues:
The maximum number of editors are four (4) including one (1) chief editor from NJAR and one (1) editor representing NAAR/NAF appointed by the board.
3.4 The author is responsible for image rights, and all images shall have references.
3.5 The author is obliged in an acknowledgement in the end of the article to provide information on how the research is funded (research foundation, university, authority, organisation, spare time research etc.).
3.6 Authors have the right to deposit the publisher's version of her/his article through the author's own institutional repository or open archive immediately after it is published in the journal.
3.7 Multiple, Redundant, or Concurrent Publication
An author should not submit manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. Likewise, an author is only allowed to submit and publish one article or essay per issue of NJAR.