The Publishing House


The Nordic Academic Press of Architectural Research was founded on 6 December 2016. It is the publishing house of the Nordic Association of Architectural Research (NAAR). Members of the NAAR Board make controlling decisions about which books will bear the imprint of the publishing house.

In keeping with the proud traditions of NAAR and its commitment to serve its members and the larger research community in the Nordic countries, Nordic Academic Press of Architectural Research publishes original scientific articles and academic essays on architecture and its discourse. Its mission is to promote scholarly work.

NAAR publications embrace the highest academic standards, and books published by Nordic Academic Press of Architectural Research are peer-reviewed following the same rigorous double-blind peer-review system, which is used for the association’s highly acclaimed scientific journal NJAR.

Nordic Academic Press of Architectural Research is strictly reserved for NAAR’s own peer-reviewed publications in book form. Books may be written in English or any of the Nordic languages. Together with NJAR, the publishing house forms a unique platform for researchers in architecture in the Nordic countries.

The NAAR Proceedings Series (ISSN 2535-4523) published by Nordic Academic Press of Architectural Research are fully open access books, which means that they are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication. Non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the author and the publishing house are properly credited.

Editorial panel for the NAAR Proceedings Series: Anne Elisabeth Toft and Magnus Rönn

The series is ranked at level 1 in Norway, Denmark and Finland.

Review templates for the Proceedings Series can be downloaded here:

Nordic Academic Press of Architectural Research endorses and follows the Committee on Publication Ethics' (COPE) code of ethical conduct:

The editors of the NAAR Proceedings Series advice their collaborating partners regarding the editorial policy and content of the series.

By submitting one's work for review and publication, all authors attest to, and agree to abide by, the COPE code of ethical conduct.


The Nordic Academic Press of Architectural Research is hereby expanding its editorial guidelines to include the use of generative AI tools. The Nordic Academic Press of Architectural Research has taken inspiration for its generative AI policy from a range of scientific journals related to architecture and landscape architecture linked to the following publishing houses: Taylor & Francis, Elsevier, Springer Nature, SAGE, and Emerald Publishing. For more information on the use of AI in research publicatons, The Nordic Press of Arcitectural Research refers to the recommendation published by Committee on Puclication ethics (COPE):

Authors: Manuscripts
The Nordic Academic Press of Architectural Research allows authors to use generative AI tools to improve spelling, grammmar, and general editiong. AI tools cannot be listed as an author or co-author of an article/essay. The Nordic Academic Press of Architectural Research allows generative AI tools to be used neither for the creation and manipulation of images, figures, or artwork, nor to analyze and draw insights from original research as part of the research process.

Editors: Editorial Work
The Nordic Academic Press of Architectural Research does not allow the use of generative AI in editorial work or the process of editing the proceedings series. Editors may only use generative AI tools for language improvement and general editing.

Proceedings Series 2023-1

Concepts of Transformation

This anthology is the proceedings publication from the 2021 NAF Symposium Concepts of Transformation.

Critically pursuing different concepts of transformation, how they have emerged - why and when - the book sheds light on the role of transformation and transformation processes within architecture, landscape architecture, and urbanism.

Anne Elisabeth Toft and Magnus Rönn

Contributing authors:
Mogens A. Morgen, Alexander Auris Gonzales, Camilla Brunsgaard, Francesco Cauda, Marie Frier Hvejsel, Thomas H. Kampmann, Anders Hermund, Urszula Kozminska, Katrine Majlund Jensen, Mo Michelsen Stochholm Krag, Tom Nielsen, Fernando Nieto Fernández, Rosana Rubio Hernández, Nacho Ruiz Allen, Magnus Rönn, Teddy Serrano, Anne Elisabeth Toft, Annika Tuominen, Kemo Usto, Morten W. Ryberg, Sven-Olov Wallenstein

Dreyers Fond, Brandförsäkringsverkets Stiftelse för bebyggelsehistorisk forskning, Stiftelsen Arkitekt Agnar August Palmérs Minne and Stiftelsen Elna Bengtssons Fond för Vetenskaplig Forskning

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Proceedings Series 2022-1


This anthology is the proceedings publication from the 2020 NAF Symposium Northernness.

The book wishes to revisit, expand, and question the canon of architectural history and historiography by raising questions about Northernness in the discourse of architecture, architectural education, and architectural research.

Anne Elisabeth Toft and Magnus Rönn

Contributing authors:
Thordis Arrhenius, Turid Borgestrand Řien, Minna Chudoba, Stine Dalager Nielsen, Peter MacKeith, Magnus Rönn, Birgitte Tanderup Eybye, Anne Elisabeth Toft, Carlotta Torricelli

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Proceedings Series 2021-1

Approaches and Methods in Architectural Research

This anthology is the proceedings publication from the 2019 NAF Symposium Approaches and Methods in Architectural Research.

Addressing what methods and approaches architects, landscape architects, and urban designers use in their work, why and how, this publication initiates critical reflection on their relevance, qualities, pitfalls, representations, and discursive positionings.

Anne Elisabeth Toft, Magnus Rönn and Morgan Andersson

Contributing authors:
Abdulaziz Alshabib, Morgan Andersson, Isabelle Doucet, Susanne Fredholm, Freja Frölander, Kiran Maini Gerhardsson, Ellen Kathrine Hansen, Mette Hvass, Thomas H. Kampmann, Karl Kropf, Ann Legeby, Nils Olsson, Jarre Parkatti, Sam Ridgway, Magnus Rönn, Mari Oline Giske Stendebakken, Tony Svensson, Anne Elisabeth Toft

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Proceedings Series 2020-1

Built Environment and Architecture as a Resource

This anthology is the proceedings publication from the 2018 NAF Symposium Built Environment and Architecture as a Resource.

Focusing its discussions on a research interest shared by The Nordic Association of Architectural Research and its collaborators from Tampere University of Technology in Finland, the book is dedicated to reflections on how cities, neighbourhoods, buildings, and citizens can become resilient and what role architects and urban planners may play in this process. It gives an account of some of the many future challenges of society, and it discusses the social and cultural construction of concepts and theories that define societys understanding of resilience in relationship to the design of the built environment.

Minna Chudoba, Ari Hynynen, Magnus Rönn and Anne Elisabeth Toft

Contributing authors:
Ida Andersson, Dalia Milián Bernal, Lars Nicolai Bock, Minna Chudoba, Lionel Devlieger, Julia Donner, Ranja Hautamäki, Hella Hernberg, Ari Hynynen, Guillermo Martín Jiménez, Anna Kholina, Matti Kuittinen, Magnus Rönn, Birgitte Tanderup Eybye, Anne Elisabeth Toft, Inge Vestergaard

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Proceedings Series 2019-1

Reflecting Histories and Directing Futures

This anthology is the proceedings publication from the 2017 NAF Symposium "Reflecting Histories and Directing Futures.

The book discusses how the concept of the future has been expressed and understood in and by architecture in recent history, and in what way this understanding has shaped architectural discourse. It reflects on the agency of architecture and the visions and histories of different design cultures and their hegemony in society.

Anne Elisabeth Toft, Magnus Rönn and Even Smith Wergeland

Contributing authors:
Liv Bente Belsnes, Minna Chudoba, Tom Davies, Boukje Ehlen, Marie Frier Hvejsel, Anne Hege Simonsen, Karsten Jřrgensen, Poul Henning Kirkegaard, Otto Paans, Ralf Pasel, Michelle Provoost, Stina Rask Jensen, Magnus Rönn, Gunnar Sandin, Marianne Skjulhaug, Anja Standal, Anders Strange, Martin Sřberg, Anne Elisabeth Toft

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Proceedings Series 2018-1

The Production of Knowledge in Architecture by PhD Research in the Nordic Countries

This anthology is the proceedings publication from the 2016 NAF Symposium "The Production of Knowledge in Architecture by PhD Research.

With the present publication, the Nordic Association of Architectural Research wishes to shed light on architectural research and its knowledge production by taking a closer look at PhD research. Other books have addressed the same subject, but from different vantage points. Particular to this publication is its interest in pursuing architectural research, and the notion of it, as a social, cultural, and political construction.

Anne Elisabeth Toft and Magnus Rönn

Contributing authors:
Turid Borgestrand Řien, Halina Dunin-Woyseth, Ute Groba, Fabio Hernandez-Palacio, Natalie Koerner, Nicholas Thomas Lee, Ann Legeby, Johan Linton, Espen Lunde Nielsen, Marie Markman, Katja Maununaho, Fredrik Nilsson, Henrik Reeh, Magnus Rönn, Elisabeth Sjödahl, Mathilde Sprovin, Anja Standal, Ola Svenle, Elin Tanding Sřrensen, Anne Elisabeth Toft, Ira Verma

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Proceedings Series 2017-1
Urban Mobility Architectures, Geographies and Social Space

This anthology is the proceedings publication from the 2015 NAF Symposium in Malmö, Sweden.

The aim of the 2015 NAF Symposium Urban Mobility Architectures, Geographies and Social Space was to facilitate a cross-disciplinary discussion on urban mobility in which the juxtaposition of different discursive perceptions of the concept would foster greater insight into and understanding of both the challenges and potentials that it represents. It focused on some of the key themes currently facing cities and the urban: the transformation of the city and our built environment; migration; rural decline; the interaction between city, architecture, and inhabitants; the role of architects and architecture in the creation of democratic and sustainable urban contexts; the city and its representation; the politics of intervention; and the actions of governing and developing.

This proceedings publication from the symposium collects six articles written by authors who all presented papers at the event.

Anne Elisabeth Toft and Magnus Rönn

Contributing authors:
Ditte Bendix Lanng, Ole B. Jensen, David Pinder, Magnus Rönn, Jani Tartia, Anne Tietjen, Anne Elisabeth Toft, Even Smith Wergeland, Simon Wind

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Proceedings Series 2016-1

Aesthetics - The Uneasy Dimension in Architecture

This anthology is the proceedings publication from the 2013 NAF Symposium "Aesthetics, the Uneasy Dimension in Architecture".

Suggesting that critical discussion on aesthetics in architecture and architectural discourse has become marginalized or almost non-existent at many universities and schools of architecture, the symposium wished to address this matter and what it means to architecture and our notion of it. In a self-reflexive manner, it also wished to explore how this influences architectural research and the way architectural research is carried out in different research contexts.

Anne Elisabeth Toft and Magnus Rönn

Contributing authors:
Jonas E. Andersson, Minna Chudoba, Hege Charlotte Faber, Ćvar Hardarson, Iida Kalakoski, Magnus Rönn, Anne Elisabeth Toft and Leif Östman

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