The Journal


The Nordic Journal of Architectural Research (NJAR) is the journal of NAF/NAAR.

NJAR is ranked at international top level making it, to date, the only scientific journal in architectural research in the Nordic countries ranked at the prestigious level 2. It was accepted for inclusion in Scopus – the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature – in 2021.

NJAR represents a pluralist approach to research and publishes original academic contributions within architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture. The journal publishes scientific articles and academic essays by a double-blind scholarly peer review system. Two senior researchers review every contribution. All reviewers are recognised researchers. Reviewers must hold a PhD. Reviewers who do not hold a PhD are only used in very exceptional cases.

In addition, NJAR publishes other academic contributions including book reviews, research project reports and research debate papers under the Forum heading. These contributions are reviewed by the editors-in-chief and they are not ranked at level 1 or level 2.

The journal supports academic freedom and scientific independence. Submitted articles and essays must not have been published or submitted for publication in another forum.

From 2012 NJAR (ISSN: 1893-5281) is published by SINTEF Academic Press, P O Box 124 Blindern, NO-0314, Norway.

Review templates for the journal can be downloaded here:

NJAR endorses and follows the Committee on Publication Ethics' (COPE) code of ethical conduct:

The NJAR Editors-in-Chiefs advice NJAR Theme Editors regarding the journal's editorial policy and content. By submitting one's work for review and publication, all authors attest to, and agree to abide by, the COPE code of ethical conduct.

Authors have the right to deposit the publisher's version of her/his article through the author's own institutional repository or open archive immediately after it is published in the journal.

Multiple, Redundant, or Concurrent Publication
An author should not submit manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. Likewise, an author is only allowed to submit and publish one article or essay per issue of NJAR.



NJAR publishes 2 issues per year (minimum), either issues with mixed articles or guest edited theme issues.

Mixed issue
Chief editors: Magnus Rönn, Sten Gromark and Petra Thorpert

Mixed issue
Chief editors: Maguns Rönn, Sten Gromark and Petra Thorpert




Sten Gromark,
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Magnus Rönn,
Nordic Association of Architectural Research, Sweden

Petra Thorpert,
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

Members of the editorial board:


  • Anne Elisabeth Toft, Aarhus School of Architecture
  • Turid Borgestrand Øien, SBI/Aalborg University
  • Deputy: Henrik Reeh, Copenhagen University


  • Eivind Kasa, NTNU
  • Leif Daniel Houck, NMBU
  • Trond Haug, SINTEF


  • Johanna Lilius, Aalto University
  • Anu Soikkeli, OULU University
  • Deputy: Henrika Pihlajaniemi, OULU University
  • Iida Kalakoski, TAU


  • Daniel Koch, KTH/A
  • Andrew Butler, SLU/Uppsala
  • Petra Thorpert, SLU/Alnarp
  • Johan Wirdelöv, SLU/Alnarp