New president of The Nordic Association of Architectural Research

New president of The Nordic Association of Architectural Research

The 25-year-old association is a unifying focal point for architectural research in the Nordic countries. The association publishes a double-blind peer reviewed journal, The Nordic Journal of Architectural Research. The journal applies strict scientific standards and suggests templates for scientific papers and essays. In addition, the association organizes research conferences for its members and for research communities at the Nordic schools of architecture.

Associate Professor Anne Elisabeth Toft, Aarhus School of Architecture, was appointed new president of The Nordic Association of Architectural Research at the annual meeting of the association in Stockholm on 27 April 2015. Toft’s main research interest is focused on the representation of architecture in various media.

Toft takes over the presidency from Associate Professor Magnus Rönn from KTH Stockholm, who will continue on the board as vice-president. Rönn has been president for the association during 6 years. Rönn’s current research is oriented to mechanisms of architectural competitions.

During her presidency Anne Elisabeth Toft will work to achieve, among other things, the following:   

  • Consolidating and stabilising the association as a platform for research: Strengthening the unique profile of the association - a Nordic association that organises an annual research symposium and a double-blind peer-reviewed research journal at the highest scientific level

  • Improving the awareness and visibility of the association: More young researchers - e.g. PhD students - should be introduced to the association, what it offers and its potential.  More targeted PR, greater visibility and more members

  • An active, collaborative board: Responsibility to project leaders. Efficient feedback mechanisms and constructive cooperation within the board

  • The Board - surplus and results: Knowledge production and exchange between the members of the Board. The Board is a platform and a network that can generate its own research projects and discourses

The next annual meeting of the association will take place in Stockholm in May 2016 in connection with the symposium: The Production of Knowledge in Architecture by PhD Research in the Nordic Countries. See “Call for Papers” in the News section below.

For further information on The Nordic Association of Architectural Research and on how to become a member, please visit the website of the association: - or contact Anne Elisabeth Toft directly by e-mail: