Salvageability, implications for architecture

Anne Sigrid Nordby, Finn Hakonsen, Bjørn Berge, Anne Grete Hestnes


In the endeavours of reducing environmental
impacts of constructions by facilitating salvage
of building components and materials, affiliated
design strategies have been identified. These
strategies inform the design of building components
as well as constructions. In this paper,
the challenge of turning the strategies into
architecture is discussed. The overriding hypothesis
is that the demand for salvageability of
building materials may be seen as a positive
driver for architectural design. The research
uses theory from earlier studies, and also
points to building examples from past and present.
We ask what the design consequences are
if the strategies are strictly followed, and in
what ways these strategies may coincide with
typical professional approaches of creating
architecture. Practical consequences are also
considered. Through these discussions it is
shown that the criteria for salvageability can be
linked to the tectonics of buildings, in the sense
that environmental logic can substantiate
design concepts. The focus shifts from the
restrictions that the demand for salvageability
may pose upon construction, and rather points
to potentials for creating meaningful architecture
for a low-carbon society. A process oriented
building practice may challenge the prevailing
view on architectural design. However, as a key,
the building component is emphasized as an
operational and responsible base unit.

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