How to Find a Lost Smartphone with Android Device Manager

The story of losing a smartphone or tablet often happens everywhere. Maybe it's also happened to you, even though I myself have experienced losing my favorite smartphone twice. Losing your Android smartphone or tablet can be stressful, because, lately, it feels like your whole life is in it. The Android Device Manager helps you find, and if necessary, remotely locks your device or even removes it if there is a theft or after you give up to find it. The first thing you need to do is make sure that you have activated this feature and set up the device correctly click here for more detail how to find Lost Android Phone Using Find My Device.

Check Your Settings

When you have a device in hand, check to make sure you have activated the device manager. Depending on the device you have, you can have a separate application called Google Settings, or you have to enter settings and scroll down to the Google option. (If your app drawer has a Google folder in it, you will find Google Settings there.) From both, you then tap security, and you will see the Android Device Manager. Here you can enable or disable "remotely find this device" and "location and remote wipe."

In order to find your device remotely, it's clear that you have to activate location services, which can consume your battery, so this is something to consider. Device location information is not needed to remotely lock and remove the device.
For obvious reasons, you also need to sign in to a Google account on the device. Also make sure that you haven't hidden the device on Google Play or it won't appear in the device manager.

Device Manager Test

After you verify that you have the correct settings, you need to give the manager the test device. Open: and log in to your Google account. The device manager will try to detect your smartphone, and if the location service is active, it will reveal its location.

If successful, you will see a map with the pin falling on the location of the device. On the left side of the screen is a box with your smartphone model number, the last time it was found, and the last date online. Below that you will have three choices: ring, lock, and delete.

What You Can Do With the Device Manager

Once you have it and run, you can do one of three things with the device manager. First, you can make your phone ring, if you can't find it at home, or think you put it wrong. Of course, if your cellphone is idle, this won't help.
Second, you can lock your phone remotely if you think you have lost or been stolen. In this case, you will create a password that will replace your lock screen (whether you unlock the cellphone with a pattern, pin or other method. You can also add a recovery message, for example, contact information for a good crypt you want to restore telephone

Finally, if you don't think you are returning your device, you can delete it so that no one can access your data. This will do a factory reset on your device, but Google warns that it might not be able to delete your SD card if you have it. Also, if your phone is not connected to the Internet, you will not be able to delete it until the connection is restored.

Alternative for Android Device Managers

Android users always have many choices, and this is no exception. Samsung has a feature called Find My Mobile, which is connected to your Samsung account. After registering the device, you can use Find My Mobile to find your phone, call your phone, lock your screen, delete the device, and put it in emergency mode. You can also unlock the phone remotely. Again, you must have location services to use some of these features. There are also various third-party applications that can help you find your Android phone.


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