Tidsgeografin synliggör livsformernas praxis

Tora Friberg


The Geography of Time Makes the Exercise of Life-Forms Visible
Tora Friberg, Cultural and Economic Geography, University of Lund.

Over two or three decades women's situation has dramatically changed. An important task is thus to grasp how women organize their lives today. In this article the geography of time is linked to analyses of life-forms to create realistic pictures of women's daily lives. These pictures should show that women live in different ways but also that they are forced into similar situations. To some extent the article is based on Tora Friberg's doctoral thesis, which is reviewed in this issue.

Under ett par decennier har kvinnornas situation förändrats avsevärt. En viktig uppgift är därför att få grepp om hur dagens kvinnor organiserar sina liv. I denna artikel kopplas tidsgeografin till livsformsanalyser så att realistiska bilder av kvinnors vardag skapas; bilder som visar att kvinnor lever på olika sätt men också att de försätts i likartade situationer. Artikeln bygger till viss del på Tora Fribergs doktorsavhandling, som recenseras i detta nummer.

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