Recensioner, Abstracts - doktorsavhandlingar
Lars Orrskog. Planering för uthållighet. Stockholm: Kungliga tekniska högskolan, 1993.
Recenserad av Michael Edén.
Arne Gaardmand. Dansk byplanlægning 1938-1992. Arkitektens Forlag (DK), 1993.
Recenserad av Bertil Malmström.
Knut Einar Larsen. Architectural Preservation in Japan. Trondheim: ICOMOS International Committee/Tapir Publishers, 1994.
Recenserad av Qinghua Guo.
Iréne Tallhage Lönn (red.). Stadens parker och natur. Boverket, Rapport 1994:12.
Recenserad av Elisabet Lundgren.
Thomas Mitchell. Redefining Designing. From Form to Experience. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1993.
Recenserad av Olof Ribbing.
John Chris Jones. Design Methods. 2nd ed. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992.
Recenserad av Olof Ribbing.
Abstracts från doktorsavhandlingar
Qinghua Guo. The Structure of Chinese Timber Architecture. Twelfth Century Design Standards and Construction Principles. Dept. of Building Design, School of Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology, 1995.
Björn Hedin. Tracer Gas Measurement Techniques - Active Methods to Identify Volumes, Air Flows, Flow Paths and Flow Patterns in Single Family Houses. Dept. of Building Science, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University, 1994.
Abdella Abarkan. Mediterranean Urban Patterns. An Analysis and Comparative Study of the Medina of Fes and the City Core of Siena. Dept. of the Theory and History of Architecture, CTH, Göteborg, Sweden, 1995.
Jun-Yang Wang. Substance or Context - A Study of the Concept of Place. Dept. of Building Design, School of Architecture, CTH, Sweden, 1995.
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