Abstracts - doktorsavhandlingar; Abstracts - licentiatavhandlingar

Marjut Kirjakka, Fredrik Nilsson, Maria Nilsson


Abstracts - doktorsavhandlingar

Marjut Kirjakka. The Ortogonal Finnish Town 1620-1860: Its Structure, Components and Dimensions. Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo 1996.

Abstracts - licentiatuppsatser

Fredrik Nilsson. Through the Cracks in the Mirror: Decontruction, Derrida and Architecture. Department of Architectural Design, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, 1997.

Maria Nilsson.
Travel Behaviour and Environment: The Impact of Knowledge and Attitude. Miljøpsykologiska monografier nr. 10;

Decision-makers' Attitudes towards Traffic and Environment. Miljøpsykologiska monografier nr. 13.
Department of Architecture, Lund Institute of Technology, 1995.


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