Abstracts - doktorsavhandlingar

Lars-Henrik Stĺhl, Jacob L. Kimaryo, Lennart Jagemar, Ulla Jergeby, Germán Perotti, Michael Carleheden, Maria Wall


Lars-Henrik Stĺhl. Three Texts on the Aesthetics of Dislocation. Theoretical and Applied Aesthetics, Faculty of Technology, Lund, 1996.

Jacob L. Kimaryo. Urban Design and Space Use. A Study of Dar es Salaam City Centre. Dept. of Building Functions Analysis, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University, 1996.

Lennart Jagemar. Design of Energy Efficient Buildings Applied on HVAC Systems in Commercial Buildings. School of Civil Engineering, Dept. of Building Services Engineering, Postgraduate Programme in Building Services Engineering, Gothenburg, 1996.

Ulla Jergeby. Public Space as Arena and Scenery: To see, to be seen and to meet at public and neighbourhood places of the city. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Sociologica Upsaliensia 42, Uppsala, 1996.

Germán Perotti. From Self-help to Participative Planning: The Architects Role under the Latin American Experience. Dept. of Architecture and Town Planning, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 1996.

Mikael Carleheden. Second Modernity - On Jürgen Habermas and the Social Theoretical Discourse of Modernity. Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Lund University, 1996.

Maria Wall. Climate and Energy Use in Glazed Spaces. Lund University Dissertation Abstracts, Dept. of Building Science, Faculty of Technology, Lund, 1996.

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