Abstracts - doktorsavhandlingar; Abstracts - licentiatavhandlingar

Irene Molina, Urban Fransson, Saddek Rehal, Torsten Sigfridsson, Munira Hamed El Niel Daifalla


Abstracts - doktorsavhandlingar
Irene Molina. The Racialization of the City. Ethnic Residential Segregation in the Wedish Folkhem. Department of Sical and Economic Geography, Uppsala University, 1997.

Urban Fransson. Young People's Household Formation: Processes within a Local Housing Market. Dept. of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University & Institute for Housing Research, Gävle, Sweden, 1997.

Abstracts - licentiatavhandlingar
Saddek Rehal. Articulation and Communication of Insights: Picture and Word in Early Stages of Design Processes. Workspace Design, School of Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology, 1997.

Torsten Sigfridsson. Smallholdings for Workers. Buildings for Housing and Part-Time Agriculture. Dept. of Building Design, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, 1997.

Munira Hamed El Niel Daifalla. Utilization and Differentiation of Space - A Study of Social Factors Influencing House Design in Third Class Areas in Khartoum, Sudan. Built Environment Analysis, Architecture and Town Planning, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 1998.

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