Nerveintensivitet som mål? En diskusjon om entreprenørstyrt urbanisering

Erling Dokk Holm


Nerve intensification as goal
A discussion on entrepreneurial driven urbanization
This article investigate the kind of understanding of the term urban
the entrepreneurs in the coffee bar sector operate within. It looks into
the relevancy of Georg Simmels view on urbanity for those who
establishes coffee bars. Simmels view urbanity as a process located
in the individual. For him urbanity is a state of mind which occurs as
a response to the conflict between accessible space and human
nature. The city exposes the individual to an enormous amount of
expressions, a nerve intensified experience, which only can be handled
thorough with drawl from the spontaneous emotional response. The
article attempt to see if there is a mutuality between Simmel and some
of the entrepreneurs in the field.

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